Tuesday, December 5, 2017

NEW RELEASE! Hitch by Anne Conley #PierceSecurities

Hitch is here!

Book eight in the Pierce Securities series.

Amber Banks has her sights set on a fresh start at the Austin Police Department after a disastrous stint in her hometown. All she wants is to be a good cop and get the validation that goes with it. If she can get away from Dex, everything would be so much simpler. But her mama always told her nothing good ever came easy.
Dex Hollerman has just retired from the force and is trying to fit in with the guys he knows so well at Pierce Securities, only now, he’s on their side for a change. With Simon’s weird edicts hanging over his head, and his inability to get the woman who was made for cop porn fantasies out of his head, it’s a struggle.
There’s a mad gunman blowing up exploding targets in downtown Austin putting a hitch in their plans, so can they get past this crazy attraction to work together?
Or will it be their downfall?

He tiptoed to the carport, ignoring the fact he was in boxers and nothing else. Nobody was looking his way. He could see Mrs. Noble peering out her window, trying to crane her neck sideways.
Dex knew he’d heard someone in his carport—knocking over a trashcan—and it probably had everything to do with the explosion, but there wasn’t anyone there now. With a grunt, he turned to go back inside and put on some pants before going across the street to help over there.
His door was locked.
Looking down at himself, Dex rolled his eyes.
He had a gun and was out in his underwear at the scene of an explosion, probably similar to the explosions that had been rocking downtown Austin. Yeah. That wasn’t suspicious at all.
Sirens screamed in the distance. Dex didn’t have bushes around his house because that would be the perfect place for burglars and home invaders to hide. Of course, now he needed a place to hide. He looked over at his neighbor’s yard.
Somebody else’s bushes would have to do.
Twenty minutes later, he was still in the Lockhart’s bushes when Mr. Lockhart left for work. He ducked down further, hoping the enormous, red-tipped Photinia shrubs would hide him sufficiently.
When Mr. Lockhart left, another car pulled up—another police car. There were already three, plus the arson investigator’s truck. But this car was special. Dex knew it before she even got out of it. The number stenciled on the side of it meant it was her car.
Amber’s car.
She got out and stood there, looking over the roof of the car. Bracing her hand on her forehead against the sun, she did a slow perusal of the neighborhood. Dex’s thighs were burning from squatting in the bushes for so long, but he managed to shift so he was on his knees and could see her better. But something about his movements had her zeroing in on him.
“Hey!” She started walking over, hand on her piece. “Stand up! Hands in the air!” Her voice was authoritative, with an edge of something. Not fear. Nope. But something darker than authority. It was a turn-on, but Dex wouldn’t let his brain go there, not while she couldn’t see him, and he was nothing short of a threat to her.
He knew he’d been busted, and there wasn’t really any way out of this. Maybe she would show some pity on him and let him get some pants.
Holding his hands up in the air, he stood slowly, his gun dangling from one finger by the trigger guard.
“Oh, for the love of God,” she muttered when he came into view. He could only imagine what he looked like. “Are you even wearing clothes?” Standing in the bushes, she couldn’t see he was not in fact wearing clothes. She gestured for him to throw the gun, and he complied, tossing it at her feet. Lips pressed into a thin line, she holstered her weapon, levelling him with a glare. She was pissed as hell. Pissed as she was, though, Amber stared at his chest, mouth agape, eyes wide. A strange thrill went through him, a definite sense of pride. Dex would not have gotten this reaction from her with his old body.
“My Haines.” Dex tried a grin and managed a small one. Her anger was helping with his discomfort, but only, like, an iota. Surely, he’d laugh at this someday. Right now, all he could think about was the fact he would for sure be the talk of the task force tomorrow morning.
“Alright. Turn around and put your hands on your head.” She reached for the cuffs at her back, and Dex’s cock inappropriately jumped and strained.
“Why are you cuffing me?” Even though he was doing exactly what she said.
“You are at the scene of a crime in very suspicious circumstances. You turned up in my investigation yesterday, and now this. And if nothing else, you are in violation of a code or two, Austin or not.”
“Keep it weird,” he muttered as she cuffed him, none too gently. Still, the erection tented the front of his boxer briefs. “Let me take you to dinner sometime.” It was worth a shot. She had relented and given him her name.
But the scoff she let out told him he was pushing his luck. Still she had him in cuffs, and his mind was going places. Oh, the places …
She led him across the street and when they got to her car, he turned on her. Her eyes widened when she got a look at his bulge.
“I live right there. Someone was in my carport and I was checking it out when the explosion happened. I locked myself out and have been outside ever since.” His explanation did nothing.
“Great. Get in the car.”
“You’re detaining me?”
“I’m securing my crime scene. Get the fuck in the car.”
When she opened the door, he allowed her to tuck his head in as he folded his bulky frame into the vehicle. His erection needed an adjustment, but he didn’t think she would go for it. Instead, he just hoped it would wilt on its own.
But she’d cuffed him.
He shouldn’t be so aroused by that, but he couldn’t help himself.
Barnes and Noble:  http://bit.ly/2yi7AjH

Want to stalk me?  You know you do...
Website/newsletter/blog: www.anneconley.com
Anne has written her entire life and has the boxes of angst-filled journals and poetry to prove it. She’s been writing for public consumption for the past several years. Currently, she has four romance series. In Stories of Serendipity, she explores real people living real lives in small town Texas in a contemporary romance setting. In The Four Winds, she chronicles God’s four closest archangels, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael, falling in love and becoming human. In Pierce Securities, she gives us Ryan, Evan, Miriam, Zack, Quinten, and Simon. Her newest series, Book B!tches, is all about a group of women in Mystic, Texas who get into all sorts of shenanigans. She lives in rural East Texas with her husband and children in her own private oasis, where she prides herself in her complete lack of social skills, choosing instead to live with the people inside her head.


Craze, book one in the Pierce Securities series, is FREE

Wire, book two, is only .99!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Brooklyn needs your VOTE! (And she's on SALE!)

What an amazing year it's been for Brooklyn Blues!

From Audible erotica bestseller to being a Golden Flogger Award Finalist, now she's up for Best Erotica Indie Book of 2017 with www.readfree.ly
Voting closes December 5th, so this is my last plea for your click... 
...pretty please, with kinky Santa gifts on top?

Haven't gotten a chance to read Brooklyn Blues yet? Well, grab a copy now for just 99c! If you're an audio fan, take advantage of that 21% Whispersync discount when buying the Kindle version! 

And if you're a Jamberry fan... well, Brooklyn's even got her own wraps!

Before you go... Please join me December 14-25th on my Facebook page for #REHargraves12DaysOfGiveaways

Monday, November 20, 2017

BIRTHDAY BASH: Comedy! #GIVEAWAY #JDFrettier #PatriceLocke #NikkiLynnBarrett

Magic of Books Promotions hosted its first tour during the month of November three years ago.
The company was created from the passion and desire of its owner, Tami Adams, because of her experiences as an author. From her struggles to have her books viewed and appreciated she knew there had to be another way.
Three years later Tami no longer writes but is determined to show the world the magic that lies within the pages of all books.
The following authors are helping Magic of Books to celebrate its birthday. Enjoy.
Message from Tami:
The last three years have been an incredible journey. I've made so many friends who began as bloggers, readers, and authors. I have been privileged to present and showcase new and old books from seasoned and new authors. I've learned so much I didn't even realize I should know prior to getting into this business. And after three years I can honestly say I'm still learning, I'm still growing, and I'm still making friends. I love and appreciate all of you who have supported my little slice of heaven. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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Comedy is a literary genre and a type of dramatic work that is amusing and satirical in its tone, mostly having a cheerful ending. The motif of this dramatic work is triumph over unpleasant circumstance by creating comic effects, resulting in a happy or successful conclusion.
Thus, the purpose of comedy is to amuse the audience. Comedy has multiple sub-genres depending upon the source of the humor, context in which an author delivers dialogues, and delivery methods, which include farce, satire, and burlesque.
Please enjoy these books that focus on comedy and all the sub-genres. The list is available in alphabetically order by title.
Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter.
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Romantic Paranormal Short Story Comedy
**2017 Reader's Favorite Silver Medal Winner: Fiction/Humor-Comedy**
The year is 1969. Though there is war and unrest in the world, on August 15th, on a farm in upstate New York, a little concert will go down in history as the most famous music festival of our time: Woodstock.
It also happens to be the day Bonnie McMillan and Peter Hampton meet and begin their free-spirited love-filled journey with each other. What happens at Woodstock stays at Woodstock, right? Nope!
Fast forward forty-seven years. Bonnie unexpectedly passes after a night of hot sex and is whisked up to Purgatory, 'The Green Room' as they call it. Bonnie's best friend meets her at the pearly green gates and the fun begins, from body sculpting to channeling.
Follow Bonnie on her erotically incorrect quest to re-connect with the love of her life. Or at the very least, make sure the sex toys are hidden before the kids start sorting through her things!
Romantic Comedy
Tracy Price is a serious researcher. Then she meets minor rock star Jesse Elliot and the only question she wants to ask is, “May I sit on your lap?”
He’s trying to write a memoir that will bear his soul without invading his privacy and Tracy is trying to track a writer who vanished more than 70 years ago.
It all takes place in New Mexico, where Tracy has been happy with her uncomplicated life until Jesse rattles her brain and rocks her sanity. He decides she’s demented, and she believes he wouldn’t recognize the truth in a lineup of Bibles. Their only hope is to stop trying to read each other’s minds and start speaking their own. 
And solving the mystery of the writer who’s been missing for more than 70 years may be the key to solving their differences.
Contemporary Romantic Comedy
How to survive an unexpected breakup with your ex-fiancé on national TV: 
1. Hide out under the covers at home.
2. Let your agoraphobic twin sister talk you into going to Paris in her place!
Lizette Monroe would be crazy to turn down her sweepstakes entering addicted twin's offer. Paris, France? It's the perfect getaway after all she's been dealing with. All she has to do is pretend to be Nola. Can't go wrong there, right?
Too bad it's not France, but a small town Tennessee town. Still, it gets her out of the public eye for awhile. 
Enter problem number one in the form of Dirk Ramsey, Nola's childhood best friend. He's grown up, gorgeous, and has eyes for her, except he thinks she's Nola. Lizette wants nothing more than to tell him the truth, but Nola's embarrassment and shame over her current condition has her begging Lizette to keep up the charade. 
It wouldn't be so hard if Dirk's touch didn't awaken a part of her soul she thought was lost. Did he really have to be there at every turn, especially when the truth is closer to coming out? And when Dirk does learn he's been reminiscing with the wrong twin- the one who didn't pay much attention to him back then, will that ruin a chance to get to know the man Lizette is now having romantic feelings for?
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L@@K at ME! The Anna Jennings Series by E.J. Whitmer

by E.J. Whitmer

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Magic of Books Promotions hosted its first tour during the month of November three years ago.

The company was created from the passion and desire of its owner, Tami Adams, because of her experiences as an author. From her struggles to have her books viewed and appreciated she knew there had to be another way.

Three years later Tami no longer writes but is determined to show the world the magic that lies within the pages of all books.

The following authors are helping Magic of Books to celebrate its birthday. Enjoy.

Message from Tami:

The last three years have been an incredible journey. I've made so many friends who began as bloggers, readers, and authors. I have been privileged to present and showcase new and old books from seasoned and new authors. I've learned so much I didn't even realize I should know prior to getting into this business. And after three years I can honestly say I'm still learning, I'm still growing, and I'm still making friends. I love and appreciate all of you who have supported my little slice of heaven. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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Horror is a genre of fiction whose purpose is to create feelings of fear, dread, repulsion, and terror in the audience—in other words, it develops an atmosphere of horror.

Please enjoy these books that focus on horror and all the sub-genres. The list is available in alphabetically order by title.

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter.

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Emma Jackson is an army wife and new mom with all the uncertainties that come with it… until that fear is pushed in a different direction. Instead of worrying about diapers and feeding schedules, her only objective is to keep her child alive after being chased by a man who looks entirely too dead.

Trish Walsh thought her day was bad when she had to drag all four of her children on an errand, but she rethinks the meaning after what she can only hope was someone dressed up like a zombie beats on her car door. Yet, the bloody mess left behind is anything but reassuring.

Cooper Walsh’s job is top secret. When criminals break in to steal his company’s secrets, he overhears the conspiracy devised to create chaos as a cover-up. Knowing he must do everything in his power to right the wrong, he sets out on a mission.

Surviving long enough to reunite with their families is all that matters. That… and stopping the zombie apocalypse before it destroys them.

Psychological Thriller

After the death of her mother, New York surgeon Alexandra travels to New Orleans to face the secrets and tragedies of her youth. A mystery is solved leading to a journey to madness.

Paranormal Horror

Graves Grove isn’t your ordinary town…

Nestled within the folds of the Canadian Rockies, Graves Grove probably isn’t the picturesque place you’d like to stay for long. Peculiar things happen here. The citizens seem normal superficially—they function well enough. But each one is deeply disturbed, wrapped in secrets and neuroses which drive them to strange behaviors.

And then there are all the missing children. And why is everyone afraid of that sycamore tree?

The Whispered Tales of Graves Grove is an anthology of stories taking place throughout the history of this mysterious town, from its founding to its future. Read them…if you dare.

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RELEASE TOUR: Life Without You by S.P. West

by S.P. West