Today for #TeaserTuesday we get a teaser AND a BONUS!
In the U.S., tomorrow is Tax Day, so how about a little freebie to help ease the pain a bit?
UNSCHEDULED DEPARTURE by T.M. Franklin is FREE today and tomorrow!

Rowan Elliott is devastated when her boyfriend, Finn, tells her he’s moving across the country to take over the family business, and thrilled when he changes his mind at the last minute and gets off the plane.
But then things get . . . weird. Finn’s acting strange, and Ro’s getting mysterious phone calls that have her questioning if her boyfriend’s really who she thinks he is. As Ro races to figure out what’s going on, she discovers it’s more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
And if she’s not careful, she could lose her Finn forever.
Here's a little taste...
"Ro, I have no idea what you're talking about," he said, pulling to an abrupt stop in the parking lot of my apartment building. "I never left a voicemail. Not today."
I fumbled in my bag for my phone. I was
not imagining this. "You did. You called—" I thumbed through my calls and held it up victoriously so he could see. "—at 12:06 p.m. today. See?"
His eyes narrowed at the screen. "That says
Private Number."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I was going to ask you about that."
"Why do you think that was me?"
I rolled my eyes. "Because you left a voicemail!" My voice grew louder, a little screechy, but I couldn't help it.
"Babe, I never left you a voicemail today!" Finn said, aggravation growing in his own tone. He pulled out his own phone and stabbed at it a few times. Finn's familiar ringtone sounded on my phone, his picture popping up on the screen, along with his name.
"See?" he said. "At 12:06 I was driving. I didn't call you. Whoever that
Private Number was, it wasn't me." He tapped his phone and the ringtone stopped.
I stared at my phone and rubbed my forehead. My stomach roiled and an ache throbbed behind my eyes. "I don't understand. I heard—"
"Let me listen to the voicemail."
" deleted." I met Finn's unreadable gaze and knew how it sounded. Weird. Crazy. But I
had heard him. It
was Finn.
Wasn't it?
Grab Unscheduled Departure Today for the Bargain Price of NOTHING... Nada... No thin dimes! :)
T.M. Franklin writes stories of adventure, romance, & a little magic. A former TV news producer, she decided making stuff up was more fun than reporting the facts. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days. MORE was well-received, being selected as a finalist in the 2013 Kindle Book Review Best Indie Book Awards, as well as winning the Suspense/Thriller division of the Blogger Book Fair Reader's Choice Awards. She's since written three additional novels and several best-selling short stories...and there's always more on the way.
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