A Harper's Rock Legacy Series, Book 2
by JJ Ellis
by JJ Ellis
Genre: Young Adult
PLEASE NOTE: This book deals with teen issues and situations. There is mention of rape due to an abusive relationship (nothing graphic). There is also a theme of teen pregnancy and some "fade to black" petting.
Michael Croft, a sensitive, artistic teen, is trying to decipher his father's tragic and complicated legacy.Then, life presents Michael with the opportunity to help his childhood friend Sadie. He agrees, knowing he would do anything for the girl he loves.
When tragedy strikes the young couple, Michael makes a promise that begins to tear his life apart. But he has a guardian angel watching over him. Can his father's broken past help him face life as it should be? Or will Michael turn his back on the lessons of the past and sabotage his own peace?

By the time Thanksgiving rolled around the snow had returned to Northeastern Wyoming and they couldn’t wait to spend the weekend at the Harper Ranch horseback riding and snowmobiling. “So, are you ready for this?” Michael asked Sadie as they pulled into his grandmother’s driveway.
“Yeah, I can’t wait. I love your large, crazy family.”
“And they love you. I personally can’t wait for tonight. You’re going to love the surprise I have for you.”
“You do know that I’m not fond of surprises, don’t you?”
“I know,” he smirked. “But this one is amazing and I gave you a hint.”
“What, that it involves nighttime, a snowstorm, and a snowmobile? That tells me nothing.”
“It’s all you’re getting, SaySay. And I promise you’ll love it.” At least he hoped she would. It was time to confess his feelings and hope for the best. Tonight was the night.
“Well I better,” she teased. “Or there will be hell to pay.”
Michael opened his door and slipped out of the car. When Sadie didn’t follow, he leaned back in. “What, you’ll make me eat your cooking?” Sticking his tongue out at her, he turned and fled into the warm, cozy house. Sadie was right on his heels.
“Whoa you two,” Evie Harper admonished. “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing, Grandma,” Michael said with a big smile. “I was just telling Sadie how much I love her cooking. And she was telling me how sweet I was.”
Sadie’s look was incredulous. “Michael Harper Croft…”
“Well isn’t that nice,” Evie enthused as she pulled on Sadie’s hand. “I was just saying how I wished I had someone who could help cook half of Thanksgiving dinner for me. Come into the kitchen and I’ll get you an apron.”
Sadie couldn't do anything but follow her as she looked back at Michael in horror. “Uh...Mrs. Harper, I really can’t cook.”
“I figured, dear. We’ll just let my naughty grandson stew in his juices for a while.”
Sadie smiled and relaxed. “I can’t cook but I’m a good helper.”
“I was counting on it,” Evie smiled.
One young man
One desperate decision
Being a teenager is hard enough, but when you have a diagnosis of depression and anxiety life can feel like it is caving in on you. When you add in a new awareness of your sexuality and falling in love for the first time, life can become almost too much to bear.
Ben Harper is determined to make it all work with the help of his best friend and new love, JC Croft. But when his inner demons conspire against him, can he come out on top or will he be crushed by the pressure?
JJ Ellis is first and foremost a mom to five kids, four girls and one boy, ranging in age from 6-22. After that, she is a physically limited wife, blogger and now an author. She holds a degree in Communication Studies (Public Relations) from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas but never thought she would choose writing as a career, especially at the age of 42. She once wanted to be a publicist in the entertainment industry, but never a writer. Then one day when she was in her mid-thirties she was going through what can only be described as an early 'midlife crisis' and ideas just started to come to her and she felt compelled to write them down. She finished her first book relatively quickly, but life got in the way and it took her eight years to revisit it and then publish her first novel. She can honestly say that now she is finally right where she wants to be.
JJ has been married to her college sweetheart (and romance novel hero) for twenty-one years and they reside in Casper, WY with their kids and one crazy mutt named Kreuger. She enjoys reading, writing, blogging, computing, and graphic design. She will try anything that will allow her creativity to be released.
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