A Mad Reed Security Christmas
Giulia Lagomarsino
(Reed Security, #20)
Publication date: December 18th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Twas the night before Christmas when all through the houseNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouseBecause Daddy set out traps to catch those f^@kersThe stockings were hung by the chimney with careIn hopes that grenades would soon be in thereThe children were nestled, all snug in their bedsWhile visions of weapons danced in their headsAnd Mama in her nightie and I in my boxersHad just settled down for a fun night togetherWhen out on the lawn there arose such a clatterI sprang from my bed to grab my Sig SauerAway to the window I flew like a flashCovered my junk and threw Mama her pants…
“What’s the plan?” Ice asked.
“That’s up to Chance,” I replied. “You plan to get married out of town, where we don’t have every available resource. But I won’t tell you that we can’t do it. Inevitably, it’s up to you.”
“That’s insane,” Alec spat. “We know this guy is coming for us and we’re going to leave ourselves in the open?”
“Or we use it as an opportunity to draw him out,” Chris suggested.
“You want to start a battle at my wedding?” Chance asked.
“Maybe we should-”
“I like it,” Chance grinned. “I mean, if you tell Morgan I said that, I’ll deny the hell out of it. But that sounds like a very…eventful wedding.”
“You can’t be serious,” I said in shock.
“Why not?” Chance shrugged with a little grin. “I mean, Coop’s been in hiding for how long now? I’m sure Cazzo’s ready to put his father-in-law in the ground, and it gives all of us a chance to have a little fun.”
“Hell yeah,” Cazzo grunted.
“You guys are certifiable,” I said in exasperation. “Do you have any idea what kind of planning is required to pull that off?”
“Cap,” Derek grinned, “isn’t that what we’re trained to do?”
“Well, yeah, but this is at someone’s wedding. Our wives will be there. Some of them are pregnant. Do you really want to put them in that kind of danger? Not to mention our kids!”
“The pregnant ladies have to stay behind,” Sinner said.
“Right, I’ll let you tell Maggie that.”
“Maggie’s pregnant?” The shock in his voice matched the paleness of his skin. “Shit, Cap. Why can’t you just keep it in your pants for five f^@king minutes?”

Author Bio:
I'm a stay at home mom that loves to read. Some of my favorite titles are Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Horatio Hornblower. I started writing when I was trying to come up with suggestions on ways I could help bring in some extra money. I came up with the idea that I could donate plasma because you could earn an extra $500/month. My husband responded with, "No. Find something else. Write a blog. Write a book." I didn't think I had anything to share on blog that a thousand other mothers hadn't already thought of. I decided to take his challenge seriously and sat down to write my first book, Jack. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed writing. From there, the stories continued to flow and I haven't been able to stop. I hope my readers enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Between reading, writing, and taking care of three small kids, my days are quite full.
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